Fees for the entire course are to be paid at the time of admission. A student once enrolled in the college must pay the fees for the entire year. If he leaves the college in the middle of the term or if his admission is cancelled, refund of the fees is given to the students as per the government rules.

Class Subject Total Fees 15% discount for Maharashtra Government Rules Total Fees Paid First Installment Second Installment on 5th Sept 2021 Third Installment on 5th Oct 2021 One time payment 5% Discount
XI ARTS 12075 1811 10264 6000 2500 1764 9751
XI COMMERCE WITHOUT IT 15525 2329 13196 6000 4000 3196 12536
WITH IT 20525 3079 17446 6000 6000 5446 16574
BANKING 30525 5000 25525 6000 10000 9525 24249
XI SCIENCE WITHOUT IT 17825 2674 15151 6000 5000 4151 14393
WITH IT 22825 3424 19401 6000 7000 6401 18431
COMP. SCI. 42825 6000 36825 6000 16000 14825 34984